From:Rocky Hill War Memorial Museum
Name/TitleA Spread from a Scrapbook Created by Daniel Wyborn
About this objectThis spread contains more photographs of the Vietnamese people and culture Daniel Wyborn witnessed during his service.
The top left image on the first page is captioned "Baria - Provincial capital" and shows a street with houses in the background.
The top right image is captioned "Tet Offensive damage" and shows a man standing near a destroyed building. There is a burnt out xe lam, or a three-wheeled cab next to the building.
The two images on the bottom are captioned "Funeral". The left image shows a group of young boys overlooking a funeral procession. One is looking towards the camera while the others are facing towards the group of men.
The right image shows the procession moving through the street. The banner is being moved in the direction of the camera, followed by the rest of the procession.
The top left image on the second page is captioned "Funeral procession" and shows group of young men carrying a table with offerings, while a woman walks next to them carrying a basket. The rest of the funeral procession is following behind.
The top right image is captioned "Resettlement hamlet" and shows a soldier walking through a collection of buildings with children standing nearby.
The bottom left image is captioned "Resettlement house" and shows two buildings with a person gardening between them.
The bottom right image is captioned "Resettlement Ap Soui Nghi" and shows a group of children standing in front of a complex of houses.
Place MadeGoulburn
MakerDaniel Wyborn
Maker RoleCreator
Series TitleWyborn
Subject and Association DescriptionDaniel Wyborn served as a part of the Australian Army during the Vietnam War. He was called for National Service and was a part of both the 7th Battalion (13 Nov 1967 - 9 Apr 1968) and the 1st Battalion (10 Apr 1968-2 Jul 1968).
Object TypePhotograph
Subject and Association KeywordsConscription
Subject and Association KeywordsMilitary
Subject and Association KeywordsNational Service
Subject and Association KeywordsVietnam War
Subject and Association KeywordsWyborn,Daniel
Subject and Association KeywordsDaily Life
Object numberWyborn,Daniel_0019
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